We are closely tracking and speaking out on legislative and budget items that could impact our child care and early education system. Find below a link to view our legislative and budget amendment tracker for the latest updates on relevant measures.
We are closely tracking and speaking out on legislative and budget items that could impact our child care and early education system. Find below a link to view our legislative and budget amendment tracker for the latest updates on relevant measures.
Child December 2022 poll indicates that child care and early childhood education maintains strong bipartisan support among Virginia voters.
Read our Spring 2022 Policy Roadmap outlining important steps to reach our bold goal.
Read more on the work we have undertaken to meet our bold goal since the Partnership was established in December 2020.
Learn more from research conducted by Morning Consult on behalf of the Bipartisan Policy Center on the challenges facing mothers in the workforce.
Learn more from the Marshall Plan for Moms on the impact of the U.S. child care support ecosystem on companies and workers and how the private sector can address child care needs.
Read more from Goldman Sach's 10,000 Small Businesses initiative and the Bipartisan Policy Center on four key areas where small businesses have faced longstanding challenges - including child care - and bipartisan solutions to address them.
Find below a link to view what we support and will advocate for during the 2022 General Assembly session in order to reach our bold goal.
We are closely tracking and speaking out on legislative and budget items that could impact our child care and early education system. Find below a link to view our legislative and budget amendment tracker for the latest updates on relevant measures.
Read more from the U.S. Department of the Treasury on the existing child care system in the U.S. and how this system fails to adequately serve many families.